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Refrigerant gases are used to provide a means of cooling the evaporators in freezers and air conditioning for plant rooms and chiller plants. Historically CFC refrigerant gases such as R11, R12 and R22 have been used. CFC’s are ozone depleting gases and are now being phased out and replaced by ozone friendly gases such as R134a, R407 and R410a. In more recent times we have seen the use of R1233ZD(e) and others like this.

Why is there a need to detect them?

  • All these gases are toxic at relatively low levels. Prolonged exposure to these gases is hazardous and results in serious health risks. GDA sensors can detect these gases at very low levels, in order to prevent this hazard becoming a danger to life.
  • Air conditioning systems and chillers that are leaking their refrigerant gases are not performing to maximum efficiency. The major use of refrigerant gases is in the re charging of these systems. If leaks are detected early the problem can be alleviated much quicker, saving costs on replacement gas, co maintenance and protecting the environment.
  • Gas detection at low levels (part per million) will give an early warning of leakage, therefore safeguarding life and maintaining the efficiency of the plant.

Gas Detection Australia has a range of ultra-low level refrigerant gas leak detection systems specifically developed to prevent the expensive results of refrigerant gas leaks for R22, R123, R134a, R404, R407, R410a, R514a, R1234yf and many others.

Meets the requirements of AS/NZS 5149.3:2016 and ISO 5149-3:2014

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